Mastering the Molecular Scissors: Sickle Cell Gene Editing Unleashed
In order to combat bloodborne illnesses, such as Sickel Cell Disease, which affects millions of people globally, scientists have developed new gene editing technologies. Some examples of cutting edge gene editing technologies include CRISPR/Cas9 and Casgevy.
Unraveling the Role of Gut Microbiota in Cancer: Harnessing Probiotics for Anticancer Therapies
Understanding the gut microbiome is important in better understanding the development of many diseases. Recently, the gut microbiota’s complex role in the development of cancer and anticancer drug efficacy has been discovered and applied to cancer treatment.
The Healing Therapy of Light: Chromotherapy
The field of alternative medicine is only growing; chromotherapy as a form of treatment has shown positive results as many studies have established a connection between the human body and the visible color spectrum.
Natural Highs? Exploring the Endocannabinoid System
With an abundance of cannabinoid receptors in the cells of the brain, it should be no surprise that cannabinoids are involved with mental processes including mental illness. The THC in cannabis is responsible for its psychoactive effects, which range from “euphoria” to “anxiety” or “acute psychosis”
HIV/AIDS Immunity and Paths to a Potential Cure
Although there is no true cure, there are instances where individuals who were once HIV positive are now considered “cured” of the disease. Examining how this type of “cure” has occurred allows us to evaluate its practicality and its implications for future research into HIV treatments.
The Future of Postpartum Depression Treatment
In response to the immense number of undiagnosed postpartum depression cases in recent decades, many individuals have shared their stories to create a more open dialogue (Elliott et al., 2020). However, medical understanding of postpartum depression lacks clarity even with greater awareness surrounding the disorder.
The Art of Musical Hallucinations
Musical Hallucination is a phenomenon that is not commonly known and consequently often stigmatized. The intersection between these auditory hallucinations and other neurological processes is being studied in hopes of alleviating adverse effects on patients.
Precision Medicine: The Solution to Finding Cures to Cancer?
Precision medicine is a novel field that utilizes patient genomic information to identify the most accurate and efficient treatment on a patient-by-patient basis. By tailoring the treatment to the individual, we can see better outcomes for patients with disease such as breast cancer.
Archaeology: The Medium Between the Living and the Dead
Archaeology, study of the dead, is a powerful, interdisciplinary subject that harnesses life-saving technology. The use of medical technology in archaeology has the potential to lead to future scientific breakthroughs.
We Can’t Look Away: The Effect of Screens on Ocular Physiology
In a world where screens are becoming more and more ubiquitous, the implications to our eye health have often been overlooked. Although screens are more harmless than harmful to our eyes, what are the dangers that screens pose to our eyes?
Global Disparities in Treating Multimorbidities
Multimorbidities are defined as the coexistence of two or more chronic health conditions in an individual. To determine the global disparities that exist in treating multimorbidities, this paper compares multimorbidity data and typical treatment mechanisms from three countries in various stages of socio-economic development: the United States, Nepal, and Africa.
Visionary Technologies: Artificial Intelligence in Lung Cancer Imaging and Diagnosis
With lung cancer being a significant cause of mortality in the US, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment are as important as ever. Deep Learning, a subset of AI, offers advanced imaging and diagnosis that can improve survival rates.
Small Molecules that Make a Big Difference: Medical Applications of Nanoparticle Engineering
Nanoparticles are an application of cellular biology that show promising applications in the fields of biochemistry, medicine, archeology, forensics, and more. Future innovations in medicine regarding nanoparticles and protein engineering have the potential to address cancer and various other diseases.