Diving into the unknown: Unraveling the Challenges of Space Exploration

By: Yogi Kalpeshkumar Patel

Society has always been interested in and excited about space exploration, which aims to expand our knowledge of the universe and our place in it. This task is not without challenges though. The challenges of space exploration are complex and numerous, ranging from the unfriendly environment of space to the technological limitations of existing spacecraft. We will explore the several challenges that scientists and astronauts face when exploring unknown areas of space in this research article.

Space exploration comes along with multiple difficulties. By looking at these difficulties, we want to learn more about the details of space travel and the creative solutions needed to get past them.

Space is considered a hostile environment due to high levels of radiation, extremely hot and cold temperatures, and vast amounts of debris floating around at extreme speeds. The word “hostile” in this context refers to locations where human presence is difficult due to extreme physical conditions. One of main factors is radiation, which is a serious barrier to space travel because of its potential harm to human health and spacecraft equipment. Astronauts are exposed to higher amounts of radiation in space compared to Earth's surface, which increases the risk of cancer, cataracts, and other health difficulties. Long term radiation exposure can also harm the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and immunological system (Bosman, 2024). The amount of radiation in correlation with altitude can also be seen in Figure 1, which also displays the different parts of the body that are affected. Furthermore, radiation can harm spacecraft electronics, solar panels, and other essential components, causing malfunctions or failures during missions. Shielding spacecraft from radiation increases the weight and complexity of spacecraft design, affecting mission costs and practicality. Particles such as protons or neutrons can be shielded by materials containing hydrogen, while photons in the X-ray or gamma-ray range need high-electron-density materials, such as lead (Blachowicz, 2021). These solutions for radiation exposure come with a few problems, however in their review about passive shielding methods, Spillantini et al. state that active and passive shielding materials are usually bulky and heavy. Thus, highly hydrogenated materials, especially polyethylene, are ideal to perform shielding from cosmic irradiation.  

Figure 1. Average levels of radiation experienced by different spacecraft and the potential risks to humans 

Long-distance communication is an important obstacle in space travel due to signal travel limits. The huge distances involved cause significant signal travel times, resulting in communication delays ranging from minutes to hours. This lag prevents real-time decision making, which is essential for handling complicated missions and responding to unexpected obstacles. Furthermore, the vast distances increase the impact of signal deterioration, making it difficult to maintain stable connections. As spacecrafts go further into the universe, such as to distant planets or stars, communication difficulties increase. This concept can be seen with NASA’s Voyager 2; The Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of a rare geometric arrangement of the outer planets which allowed for a four planet tour. This mission was unique since Voyager was to use minimal propellant, instead it was to depend on the planets’ gravity to launch itself. A series of commands sent to Voyager 2 on July 21 caused the antenna to point 2 degrees away from Earth. As a result, Voyager 2 is currently unable to receive commands from Earth. Such errors bring into question the reliability of current technologies and methods, we need to discover more efficient ways to communicate into deep space. Consequently, in 2016, the Deep Space Optical Communications Architecture Study showed how technology will need to improve in the future to allow optical communication between deep space probes and Earth. This research centered on the ground part, which included cloud mitigation measures. It highlighted dedicated optical ground antennas, innovative photon detectors, and a generic design approach for an optical payload terminal as essential enabling technologies. Studies like this show us that there are still more methods to learn and attempt.

Weight is a critical component in space exploration, with a significant impact on mission design, cost, and overall survival. The energy required to propel spacecraft beyond Earth's gravitational pull is directly proportional to payload mass, making weight an important factor in propulsion system efficiency. Figure 2 displays a simple illustration of the effects and types of weight on a spacecraft. As every ounce contributes to fuel requirements, lowering spacecraft weight is critical for enabling cost effective launches and optimizing payload capacity. Furthermore, spacecraft weight is tightly linked to mission goals, influencing the selection of scientific instruments and equipment, as well as the life of sample return missions. This can be seen in the James Webb Orbit Telescope; it was built with weight in mind because of the difficulties associated with delivering payloads into orbit. Space-based equipment, in contrast to terrestrial structures, must deal with the harsh environment of space and the constraints of rocket propulsion. Weight reduction is a top priority for spacecraft designers since every kilogram of mass added to the spacecraft raises the cost and difficulty of launch operations. In order to guarantee that the JWST could be launched and deployed successfully, engineers had to carefully balance the telescope's scientific capabilities with its mass. In conclusion, the importance of weight in space travel goes beyond launch considerations, influencing orbital maneuvers, planetary landings, and resource utilization. Effective weight management is thus an essential component of mission performance, resource use and the larger aims of scientific exploration beyond Earth. 

Figure 2. This image demonstrates the effect of weight on the ability to launch (NASA). 

In summary, space exploration is inspiring but packed with hurdles and obstacles. To overcome these challenges like the limits of long-distance communication to the vital considerations of spaceship weight, the journey beyond Earth's borders requires creative thinking and precise planning, scientists, engineers, and space agencies from around the world must work together. We go through such a journey not only due to curiosity but also to find out our position as humans in this universe. Despite the challenges, we shall persist, moving humanity to new frontiers and enlarging the scope of human knowledge. There are always new technologies available for testing and use, and we utilize these by working together to solve the mysteries of the universe. Remember, there is always something new to discover. 


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Bowman, A. (2024, January 3). 5 hazards of human spaceflight. 5 hazards of human space flight. https://www.nasa.gov/hrp/hazards/#:~:text=To%20bring%20such%20a%20mission,and%20closed%20or%20hostile%20environments.

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Image References

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